Both See It Slippin Away
Pacing back and forth in the bathroom at her parents house Avery chewed on her lip as she looked at the stick laying on the sink. A stick that would soon let her know if she were pregnant or not. And if she were pregnant she wasn't sure if this baby would be a blessing or a curse especially since she and Taylor seemed to be having trouble lately. Trouble she knew was all her fault.
It had all started just a month after Stella's first birthday when Taylor had found that video of Zac. She had let him borrow her computer having forgotten what was on her computer in her documents and he had found it. It had been something that had caused arguments for weeks and even during their good times things were tense. The only times they actually got along were times when they had sex and it seemed that had been rare too especially this month when Taylor had opted to move out of the house and go stay with Isaac and Nikki for a bit.
Avery hadn't stopped him though she knew she probably should have but what was the use in fighting for this marriage when it seemed it had been doomed from the start. She had went into it knowing she didn't love Taylor fully and she should have known it would crash eventually.
"If you keep pacing like that you are going to create a whole in the floor," Jessica teased from where she sat on the toilet a hand resting on her swollen belly. She was seven months pregnant with her and Joe's second child and the reason why her sister was even in her parents bathroom. It was her baby shower and had she known she'd spend part of it in here with her sister while she took a pregnancy test she probably would have opted out of having one here at all.
Avery looked at Jessica as she sighed, "Sorry," she apologized as she stopped pacing. "I just can't help it. I'm nervous and I am afraid if that test comes back positive this baby is just going to do more damage then good."
Raising her eyebrow at Avery's words Jessica moved her hand down her belly as she felt her baby move, "How is it going to damage anything? I mean this baby is Taylor's isn't?" she asked softly wanting to make sure. "I mean you aren't having an affair with another man again are you?"
"No I'm not having an affair with another man again," Avery snapped feeling appalled that Jessica had even asked her that question. "The last time I had sex was three months and three missed periods ago," she said revealing that she had missed two periods since the last time she had sex with Taylor. "And it was with my husband for your information," she added in knowing that they had ended up fucking after one of their arguments in May. It hadn't been too long after her period in April and then she had never had her May period.
Avery had chalked up missing that period to stress but then when she had missed June and July too she couldn't help but wonder but again she could also blame stress. She had been under stress ever since her troubles with Taylor had started. So it was likely stress was the cause. Hell if she happened to be pregnant she hadn't shown any symptoms at least not like she had with Stella though her pregnancies with the boys had also went by smoothly compared to her pregnancy with Stella.
"It would just cause problems because of the problems Taylor and I are having. You know he is staying with Nikki and Isaac and I can't help but feel that maybe he seeing Natalie again as well," she frowned knowing she had no right to be jealous by that or even hurt not when she was forcing herself to deny how she felt for Zac. "I saw my friend Deanna in Target the other day and she said she saw Taylor and Natalie out at the movies. She's also friends with Natalie and they talked for a bit after the movies. Taylor even took her out to dinner."
Scrunching up her nose Jessica just shook her head, "Well you kind of asked for what you are getting in my opinion," she stated harshly. "You use Taylor and then when he gets sick of it again of course he is going to start moving on. What do you expect Avery?" she asked as she moved her hand off her belly. "Do you expect him to just play naive while you go on treating him like he is second best when someone out there could treat him better?"
Avery was going to protest to Jessica's words but she didn't see the use in protesting to something that was true. She did treat Taylor like he was second best. She knew it was wrong but it's the only way she knew to treat him since her whole heart wasn't in the marriage to begin with.
"You have a point," she conceded finally as she sighed. "I do treat him that way and I guess I hoped he'd stay. I guess I just hoped that I could love him like he needed," she frowned slightly. "I want too because I know loving Zac isn't going to get me anywhere. Zac is someone I can't trust with my heart even if my heart wants him."
"Then what are you going to do?" Jessica asked as she raised an eyebrow. "Let your marriage fall apart and stay single or find someone else to try to move on with?" she asked as she kept an eyebrow raised. "I personally think you owe it to Taylor to try a little harder."
Listening to Jessica, Avery rolled her eyes but instead of answering her sister she reached over and picked up the stick on the sink. Looking at it she chewed her lip, "The first thing I am going to do is schedule a doctor's appointment," she said as she looked at the two pink lines staring back at her. "I'm pregnant again," she whispered not sure if she felt happy or not.
Two days after Jessica's baby shower Avery sighed to herself. She had just came back from the doctor's office where she got one hundred percent confirmation that she was pregnant. She was fifteen weeks to be exact and she wasn't even sure how she hadn't noticed other than her missed periods. If she had symptoms she had either missed them because of the stress or she just hadn't been watching as much.
Putting a hand on her stomach she still wasn't sure how she felt about this nor was she even sure how to tell Taylor that she was pregnant. That she was far enough along that they could tell her the sex of their baby in another week. Would he even believe her when she told him? She did have proof that she was that far along. The doctors had given her a paper and also had done an ultrasound to make sure the baby was alright especially since she was so far along and hadn't had one check up for her or the baby.
"Your daddy and I are like rabbits," Avery laughed softly as she rubbed her belly. "Or well actually maybe I'm just extremely fertile," she said knowing that this baby was maybe sort of planned at least. They had been talking about having another one just days before Stella's birthday and then she had gotten sick and according to the doctor she saw today the medicine she had been on to treat her sickness had interfered with her birth control pills.
Avery looked up when she heard a truck pull into the driveway and she smiled seeing Jonah and Charlie come running out of Taylor's truck. He had taken all three kids on an overnight camping trip yesterday and she had felt bad for him especially with Stella who was into everything and going everywhere now that she could walk.
"We caught a fish mommy," Charlie told his mommy as he came to a stop beside her. "Daddy took us fishing yesterday and we caught a fish and it was huge," he said as he held his arms out to show her just how huge it was.
Avery laughed at how far Charlie's arms went, "That sounds like a monster fish," she said showing as much enthusiam as her five year old son had.
Jonah made a face as he shook his head, "It wasn't that big dummy," he said as he rolled his eyes at his little brother.
"Jonah Taylor Hanson," Taylor replied sternly as he heard his oldest son call Charlie a dummy. "You don't call your brother a dummy," he said as he looked down at his oldest son.
Charlie smiled as Jonah got scolded, "Daddy's right stupid you can't call me a dummy," he said as he stuck his tongue out.
"Charlie Samuel," Avery spoke as she looked at Charlie, "The same goes for you calling him stupid," she nodded when Charlie turned to look at her.
After Avery had spoken to Charlie, Taylor put Stella down, "Jonah take your sister and brother inside okay," he said to his oldest son watching as Jonah grabbed a hold of Stella's hand and helped her up the stairs though he also made sure Charlie was right beside them.
Once they were inside and the front door closed he sighed and sat down next to Avery, "I got your text," he told her. "The one you sent last night about wanting to talk when I brought the children home."
"Yeah about that," Avery said as she chewed her lip knowing she'd have to tell him now. It was now or never. "How do you feel about us having that baby we talked about having a few months ago?" she asked him as she raised an eyebrow trying to keep her face neutral.
Looking at her confused Taylor wasn't sure what she was trying to say. She knew right now their marriage wasn't even in the best place for them to think about having another baby now. They could barely be around each other without fighting which was the main reason he had left last month.
"I think that would require us to get along a lot better right now," Taylor answered her finally. "We'd have to stop arguing long enough to have sex and I don't think we could do that. Anyway a baby isn't going to fix things between us," he said sadly. "Our marriage is dying and I don't think we can fix it."
At his words Avery swallowed hard as she felt a lump in her throat, "We don't have to have sex though," she said as she shrugged. "We already did that," she told him before looking down at the stairs she sat on. "I'm three months pregnant already. Next week I'll be four months."
Hearing Avery's words Taylor felt all the color drain from his cheeks. She was three months pregnant already. "Is it mine?" he asked stating the first thought that poped into his head.
Avery nodded as she looked up at him, "I haven't been with anyone else. The last time I had sex was when we fucked on the kitchen table after that one argument in May," she shrugged as she blushed at the idea of their baby having been conceived on the kitchen table.
"And you're just now telling me?" Taylor asked as he ran a hand through his hair. He wasn't sure how to feel at the news of another baby. Yes they had talked about one but that had been before he had found that video of Zac and Stella. He was still hurt that Avery had lied that long about something especially Zac seeing Stella. She knew he was self conscious when it came to Zac. He was afraid of losing her again or even Zac finding out that Stella was his.
Taylor feared the moment Zac found out because he knew then that he'd want Avery back. He'd want her and she'd go regardless of the fact that they had history and years between them as well as children. Yes she and Zac had a child too but damn it they didn't have the years or history and he didn't understand how they could even work without those.
"I just found out myself," Avery revealed as she blushed again. "I took a pregnancy test at Jessica's baby shower. I had missed three periods but I didn't have symptoms. I thought it was stress that made me miss my periods but then the test came back positive and so I scheduled appointment at my doctor's for today and they did a blood test and sent me for an ultrasound," she said as she reached into the pocket of her jeans and pulled out the picture from the ultrasound today. She had asked for it so she'd have physical proof herself that she was really pregnant. "That's our baby," she said to him as she handed him the picture.
Taking the picture from Avery, Taylor looked it over his eyes staring right where the baby was. A baby he wasn't sure he was happy about but it was on it's way now and what could they do? It wasn't like they could get rid of it now. "It's okay?" he asked as he handed the picture back to her. "I mean there is no problems with it since you found out so late?"
Avery shook her head, "It's perfectly fine and healthy," she told him as she took the picture back. "Next week I can even find out what it is," she said trying to see the positive in this. "If I want to that is."
"Do you?" Taylor asked her curiously.
"I think I do," Avery said as she smiled some finally. "I want to know if we're finally going to even with boys and girls cause you know Stelly and I are kind of feeling outnumbered sometimes."
Taylor looked over at Avery as they both sat on the park bench a week later. They had just left her doctor's appointment an hour ago and had then went to lunch at Pizza Hut because that was apparently what Avery was craving. She had said she could almost smell the cheese and she had needed a cheese pizza really badly.
"Another boy," Avery spoke as she broke the silence around them, her eyes going to Stella who was playing in the sandbox. She was the only kid they had brought with them. Diana had wanted to spend what was left of Summer break with Charlie and Jonah and so for the last three days she had the boys.
"You disappointed?" Taylor asked as he looked at her curiously.
Shaking her head Avery smiled, "No, I just want a healthy baby in the end. I don't care that it's another boy," she laughed as she looked at him. "I was just hoping to give you a girl."
"I have a girl," Taylor told her as he looked at Stella. "I don't need another one," he said knowing that he was fine with Stella. Zac would never be in this girl's life regardless of some happenstance meeting in California and right now he was feeling better in that thinking. "I'm sorry I've treated you like shit."
Avery smiled more when Taylor apologized, "I'm sorry for treating you like second best. I've done it for longer than you have treated me like shit."
At Avery's apology Taylor reached for her hand and he gave it a squeeze, "I'm okay with that. I know you'll always love him. I have come to accept that. I may not understand it at times but I accept that it's him you'd rather have as your husband," he lied knowing it was best if he did. Telling her the truth would just start an argument and they didn't need that, not when she was pregnant.
"I don't want to love him," Avery admitted being honest. "I want to love you, at least like I used too. I can try still though and maybe one day it will work," she said as she squeezed his hand back. "Maybe I can love you again."
"Maybe," Taylor whispered not sure if he believed that she could. After saying that things went silent for the longest time but eventually he looked at her, "This means we're going to have to get a bigger house and trade in your car," he said knowing they couldn't keep living in a three bedroom house nor could she keep driving a car that only fit three people in the backseat.
Laughing at his words Avery sighed, "The joys of having more than three kids," she said sarcastically as she laid her head on his shoulder. "But we did say after we got married that we wanted five kids. At least after this one we only have one more to go."
Taylor smirked as he rolled his eyes, "I think I was drunk when I said I wanted five children," he sighed knowing now at thirty-three he could barely keep up with three. He could hardly imagine adding the one on the way into the mix or even one more after that. "Let's just pray there isn't another one hiding behind the one they can see on the ultrasound."
Laughing more Aver squeezed his hand again as she kept her head resting on his shoulder, "Does this mean you are coming home?" she asked knowing even after finding out he had spent the last few days with Isaac and Nikki. "And that you are ending things with Natalie?"
"Natalie and I never had anything again. She's just a friend who I can talk too and I needed to talk," Taylor spoke as he leaned down to kiss her forehead. "But yeah I will come home," he nodded. "Anyway I'm pretty sure Isaac and Nikki want to convert the guest room into a nursery already. Nikki is just a week ahead of you in her pregnancy."
Avery felt better knowing Taylor was coming home, "It'll be nice with all these babies around," she said knowing that at least her younger kids had cousins around their age on either side they could play with. Poor Jonah had never really got that luxury. "Maybe all these babies will bring some good luck."
Pacing back and forth in the bathroom at her parents house Avery chewed on her lip as she looked at the stick laying on the sink. A stick that would soon let her know if she were pregnant or not. And if she were pregnant she wasn't sure if this baby would be a blessing or a curse especially since she and Taylor seemed to be having trouble lately. Trouble she knew was all her fault.
It had all started just a month after Stella's first birthday when Taylor had found that video of Zac. She had let him borrow her computer having forgotten what was on her computer in her documents and he had found it. It had been something that had caused arguments for weeks and even during their good times things were tense. The only times they actually got along were times when they had sex and it seemed that had been rare too especially this month when Taylor had opted to move out of the house and go stay with Isaac and Nikki for a bit.
Avery hadn't stopped him though she knew she probably should have but what was the use in fighting for this marriage when it seemed it had been doomed from the start. She had went into it knowing she didn't love Taylor fully and she should have known it would crash eventually.
"If you keep pacing like that you are going to create a whole in the floor," Jessica teased from where she sat on the toilet a hand resting on her swollen belly. She was seven months pregnant with her and Joe's second child and the reason why her sister was even in her parents bathroom. It was her baby shower and had she known she'd spend part of it in here with her sister while she took a pregnancy test she probably would have opted out of having one here at all.
Avery looked at Jessica as she sighed, "Sorry," she apologized as she stopped pacing. "I just can't help it. I'm nervous and I am afraid if that test comes back positive this baby is just going to do more damage then good."
Raising her eyebrow at Avery's words Jessica moved her hand down her belly as she felt her baby move, "How is it going to damage anything? I mean this baby is Taylor's isn't?" she asked softly wanting to make sure. "I mean you aren't having an affair with another man again are you?"
"No I'm not having an affair with another man again," Avery snapped feeling appalled that Jessica had even asked her that question. "The last time I had sex was three months and three missed periods ago," she said revealing that she had missed two periods since the last time she had sex with Taylor. "And it was with my husband for your information," she added in knowing that they had ended up fucking after one of their arguments in May. It hadn't been too long after her period in April and then she had never had her May period.
Avery had chalked up missing that period to stress but then when she had missed June and July too she couldn't help but wonder but again she could also blame stress. She had been under stress ever since her troubles with Taylor had started. So it was likely stress was the cause. Hell if she happened to be pregnant she hadn't shown any symptoms at least not like she had with Stella though her pregnancies with the boys had also went by smoothly compared to her pregnancy with Stella.
"It would just cause problems because of the problems Taylor and I are having. You know he is staying with Nikki and Isaac and I can't help but feel that maybe he seeing Natalie again as well," she frowned knowing she had no right to be jealous by that or even hurt not when she was forcing herself to deny how she felt for Zac. "I saw my friend Deanna in Target the other day and she said she saw Taylor and Natalie out at the movies. She's also friends with Natalie and they talked for a bit after the movies. Taylor even took her out to dinner."
Scrunching up her nose Jessica just shook her head, "Well you kind of asked for what you are getting in my opinion," she stated harshly. "You use Taylor and then when he gets sick of it again of course he is going to start moving on. What do you expect Avery?" she asked as she moved her hand off her belly. "Do you expect him to just play naive while you go on treating him like he is second best when someone out there could treat him better?"
Avery was going to protest to Jessica's words but she didn't see the use in protesting to something that was true. She did treat Taylor like he was second best. She knew it was wrong but it's the only way she knew to treat him since her whole heart wasn't in the marriage to begin with.
"You have a point," she conceded finally as she sighed. "I do treat him that way and I guess I hoped he'd stay. I guess I just hoped that I could love him like he needed," she frowned slightly. "I want too because I know loving Zac isn't going to get me anywhere. Zac is someone I can't trust with my heart even if my heart wants him."
"Then what are you going to do?" Jessica asked as she raised an eyebrow. "Let your marriage fall apart and stay single or find someone else to try to move on with?" she asked as she kept an eyebrow raised. "I personally think you owe it to Taylor to try a little harder."
Listening to Jessica, Avery rolled her eyes but instead of answering her sister she reached over and picked up the stick on the sink. Looking at it she chewed her lip, "The first thing I am going to do is schedule a doctor's appointment," she said as she looked at the two pink lines staring back at her. "I'm pregnant again," she whispered not sure if she felt happy or not.
Two days after Jessica's baby shower Avery sighed to herself. She had just came back from the doctor's office where she got one hundred percent confirmation that she was pregnant. She was fifteen weeks to be exact and she wasn't even sure how she hadn't noticed other than her missed periods. If she had symptoms she had either missed them because of the stress or she just hadn't been watching as much.
Putting a hand on her stomach she still wasn't sure how she felt about this nor was she even sure how to tell Taylor that she was pregnant. That she was far enough along that they could tell her the sex of their baby in another week. Would he even believe her when she told him? She did have proof that she was that far along. The doctors had given her a paper and also had done an ultrasound to make sure the baby was alright especially since she was so far along and hadn't had one check up for her or the baby.
"Your daddy and I are like rabbits," Avery laughed softly as she rubbed her belly. "Or well actually maybe I'm just extremely fertile," she said knowing that this baby was maybe sort of planned at least. They had been talking about having another one just days before Stella's birthday and then she had gotten sick and according to the doctor she saw today the medicine she had been on to treat her sickness had interfered with her birth control pills.
Avery looked up when she heard a truck pull into the driveway and she smiled seeing Jonah and Charlie come running out of Taylor's truck. He had taken all three kids on an overnight camping trip yesterday and she had felt bad for him especially with Stella who was into everything and going everywhere now that she could walk.
"We caught a fish mommy," Charlie told his mommy as he came to a stop beside her. "Daddy took us fishing yesterday and we caught a fish and it was huge," he said as he held his arms out to show her just how huge it was.
Avery laughed at how far Charlie's arms went, "That sounds like a monster fish," she said showing as much enthusiam as her five year old son had.
Jonah made a face as he shook his head, "It wasn't that big dummy," he said as he rolled his eyes at his little brother.
"Jonah Taylor Hanson," Taylor replied sternly as he heard his oldest son call Charlie a dummy. "You don't call your brother a dummy," he said as he looked down at his oldest son.
Charlie smiled as Jonah got scolded, "Daddy's right stupid you can't call me a dummy," he said as he stuck his tongue out.
"Charlie Samuel," Avery spoke as she looked at Charlie, "The same goes for you calling him stupid," she nodded when Charlie turned to look at her.
After Avery had spoken to Charlie, Taylor put Stella down, "Jonah take your sister and brother inside okay," he said to his oldest son watching as Jonah grabbed a hold of Stella's hand and helped her up the stairs though he also made sure Charlie was right beside them.
Once they were inside and the front door closed he sighed and sat down next to Avery, "I got your text," he told her. "The one you sent last night about wanting to talk when I brought the children home."
"Yeah about that," Avery said as she chewed her lip knowing she'd have to tell him now. It was now or never. "How do you feel about us having that baby we talked about having a few months ago?" she asked him as she raised an eyebrow trying to keep her face neutral.
Looking at her confused Taylor wasn't sure what she was trying to say. She knew right now their marriage wasn't even in the best place for them to think about having another baby now. They could barely be around each other without fighting which was the main reason he had left last month.
"I think that would require us to get along a lot better right now," Taylor answered her finally. "We'd have to stop arguing long enough to have sex and I don't think we could do that. Anyway a baby isn't going to fix things between us," he said sadly. "Our marriage is dying and I don't think we can fix it."
At his words Avery swallowed hard as she felt a lump in her throat, "We don't have to have sex though," she said as she shrugged. "We already did that," she told him before looking down at the stairs she sat on. "I'm three months pregnant already. Next week I'll be four months."
Hearing Avery's words Taylor felt all the color drain from his cheeks. She was three months pregnant already. "Is it mine?" he asked stating the first thought that poped into his head.
Avery nodded as she looked up at him, "I haven't been with anyone else. The last time I had sex was when we fucked on the kitchen table after that one argument in May," she shrugged as she blushed at the idea of their baby having been conceived on the kitchen table.
"And you're just now telling me?" Taylor asked as he ran a hand through his hair. He wasn't sure how to feel at the news of another baby. Yes they had talked about one but that had been before he had found that video of Zac and Stella. He was still hurt that Avery had lied that long about something especially Zac seeing Stella. She knew he was self conscious when it came to Zac. He was afraid of losing her again or even Zac finding out that Stella was his.
Taylor feared the moment Zac found out because he knew then that he'd want Avery back. He'd want her and she'd go regardless of the fact that they had history and years between them as well as children. Yes she and Zac had a child too but damn it they didn't have the years or history and he didn't understand how they could even work without those.
"I just found out myself," Avery revealed as she blushed again. "I took a pregnancy test at Jessica's baby shower. I had missed three periods but I didn't have symptoms. I thought it was stress that made me miss my periods but then the test came back positive and so I scheduled appointment at my doctor's for today and they did a blood test and sent me for an ultrasound," she said as she reached into the pocket of her jeans and pulled out the picture from the ultrasound today. She had asked for it so she'd have physical proof herself that she was really pregnant. "That's our baby," she said to him as she handed him the picture.
Taking the picture from Avery, Taylor looked it over his eyes staring right where the baby was. A baby he wasn't sure he was happy about but it was on it's way now and what could they do? It wasn't like they could get rid of it now. "It's okay?" he asked as he handed the picture back to her. "I mean there is no problems with it since you found out so late?"
Avery shook her head, "It's perfectly fine and healthy," she told him as she took the picture back. "Next week I can even find out what it is," she said trying to see the positive in this. "If I want to that is."
"Do you?" Taylor asked her curiously.
"I think I do," Avery said as she smiled some finally. "I want to know if we're finally going to even with boys and girls cause you know Stelly and I are kind of feeling outnumbered sometimes."
Taylor looked over at Avery as they both sat on the park bench a week later. They had just left her doctor's appointment an hour ago and had then went to lunch at Pizza Hut because that was apparently what Avery was craving. She had said she could almost smell the cheese and she had needed a cheese pizza really badly.
"Another boy," Avery spoke as she broke the silence around them, her eyes going to Stella who was playing in the sandbox. She was the only kid they had brought with them. Diana had wanted to spend what was left of Summer break with Charlie and Jonah and so for the last three days she had the boys.
"You disappointed?" Taylor asked as he looked at her curiously.
Shaking her head Avery smiled, "No, I just want a healthy baby in the end. I don't care that it's another boy," she laughed as she looked at him. "I was just hoping to give you a girl."
"I have a girl," Taylor told her as he looked at Stella. "I don't need another one," he said knowing that he was fine with Stella. Zac would never be in this girl's life regardless of some happenstance meeting in California and right now he was feeling better in that thinking. "I'm sorry I've treated you like shit."
Avery smiled more when Taylor apologized, "I'm sorry for treating you like second best. I've done it for longer than you have treated me like shit."
At Avery's apology Taylor reached for her hand and he gave it a squeeze, "I'm okay with that. I know you'll always love him. I have come to accept that. I may not understand it at times but I accept that it's him you'd rather have as your husband," he lied knowing it was best if he did. Telling her the truth would just start an argument and they didn't need that, not when she was pregnant.
"I don't want to love him," Avery admitted being honest. "I want to love you, at least like I used too. I can try still though and maybe one day it will work," she said as she squeezed his hand back. "Maybe I can love you again."
"Maybe," Taylor whispered not sure if he believed that she could. After saying that things went silent for the longest time but eventually he looked at her, "This means we're going to have to get a bigger house and trade in your car," he said knowing they couldn't keep living in a three bedroom house nor could she keep driving a car that only fit three people in the backseat.
Laughing at his words Avery sighed, "The joys of having more than three kids," she said sarcastically as she laid her head on his shoulder. "But we did say after we got married that we wanted five kids. At least after this one we only have one more to go."
Taylor smirked as he rolled his eyes, "I think I was drunk when I said I wanted five children," he sighed knowing now at thirty-three he could barely keep up with three. He could hardly imagine adding the one on the way into the mix or even one more after that. "Let's just pray there isn't another one hiding behind the one they can see on the ultrasound."
Laughing more Aver squeezed his hand again as she kept her head resting on his shoulder, "Does this mean you are coming home?" she asked knowing even after finding out he had spent the last few days with Isaac and Nikki. "And that you are ending things with Natalie?"
"Natalie and I never had anything again. She's just a friend who I can talk too and I needed to talk," Taylor spoke as he leaned down to kiss her forehead. "But yeah I will come home," he nodded. "Anyway I'm pretty sure Isaac and Nikki want to convert the guest room into a nursery already. Nikki is just a week ahead of you in her pregnancy."
Avery felt better knowing Taylor was coming home, "It'll be nice with all these babies around," she said knowing that at least her younger kids had cousins around their age on either side they could play with. Poor Jonah had never really got that luxury. "Maybe all these babies will bring some good luck."