Can't Win For Losing Chapter Seventeen
Waking the next morning to the smell of food cooking Avery sat up in bed and looked around not seeing Zac beside her and she slowly slipped out of bed. Grabbing her panties she slipped them back on before grabbing Zac's t-shirt that he had taken off last night. Luckily for her it went past her panties and stopped well enough down her legs that her kids wouldn't see anything.
Going out of her bedroom she walked into the kitchen and laughed as she saw Zac standing at her stove, "If you burn my apartment down I am going to have to murder you," she teased before walking over to him.
Zac laughed as he turned his head to look at Avery who had came to a stop beside him, "You're kids woke up and were hungry. I decided to fix them eggs. It's the only simple thing I can actually fix," he said as he looked at her. "They didn't seem to mind them actually. In fact Charlie wants more."
Avery raised an eyebrow and looked out from her kitchen entry way to see the kids sitting on the floor watching some sort of Saturday cartoon. "And your fixing him more eggs?"
"Yes," Zac nodded as he raised an eyebrow too. "Is that okay with you?"
Avery smiled, "That's fine with me just try not set my apartment on fire," she teased him again before leaving to head into the living room where her kids where. Sitting down beside Charlie she smiled at him as she ruffled his hair.
"Zac makes eggs mommy," Charlie piped up as he turned his head to look at his mommy. "They better than daddies."
Laughing some Avery just shook her head, "Well let's not tell daddy they are better than his," she said not sure how well Taylor would handle knowing Zac could make eggs better than him. Hell she wasn't sure how well Taylor was handling everything with Zac to begin with.
"I won't," Charlie smiled as he moved in closer to his mommy and soon climbed onto her lap. "I miss daddy though."
"I bet you do Charlie buddy," Avery sighed as she looked down at the child in her lap. Charlie had always been more of a daddy's boy while Jonah was the typical mommy's boy that most boys tended to be. "How about later today I call daddy and you can talk to him?" she asked curiously. She figured both Charlie and Taylor would like that.
Grinning at his mommy's words Charlie nodded, "Talk to daddy," he said knowing he wanted to talk to his daddy. "Please."
When Charlie said please Avery just smiled and leaned down to kiss the top of his head, "After breakfast okay," she said to him as she heard footsteps coming into the room and she looked up seeing Zac coming into the room with two plates which made her look at him with curiosity.
"I figured you may be hungry too," Zac said as he reached where Avery was sitting in the floor with Charlie on her lap. "So I fixed you some eggs as well," he smiled handing one plate to Charlie and the other to Avery.
Avery gave Zac a smile as she took the plate from him, "Thank you," she said before leaning over slightly to kiss his cheek. She would have kissed him on the lips but she wasn't sure if she was ready to do that in front of her kids, even if she could wear his shirt in front of them.
Zac felt Avery kiss his cheek and he smiled some, "I should go shower," he told her before running a hand through his hair. "I have some errands to run today. The first being to take my mom back her container she brought the macaroni and cheese in."
At Zac mentioning getting a shower Avery looked down at the shirt she had on, "I will take this off after I eat," she said knowing he'd need it before he left. "After you get out I'll probably just get in the shower myself and see what the boys and I can get into before I have to work tonight. Are you still coming over after I get off from work?" she asked him curiously.
"I should be unless something major happens like my trusty old truck getting into an accident," Zac smirked before heading down the hall towards her bathroom. He knew they hadn't had much time to talk about last night and having sex but he was curious if she had regretted it. Yeah she had said she liked it and yes they had even went for a second round but that didn't mean Avery didn't regret what they had done.
Shaking his head he just shut the door to her bathroom and stripped out of his boxers before starting the water for the shower and stepping in once it was just right.
Natalie groaned some as she moved in the bed she had been sleeping peacefully in. Waking up when her arm landed on the pillow beside her she opened her eyes and frowned as she saw Taylor was gone from the bed. Standing up after she got out of bed she walked to the closet and opened the door a smile on her face as she saw some of Avery's clothes were still there including a bathrobe.
Slipping the bathrobe on she headed downstairs where she soon found Taylor in the kitchen where he sat at the table eating a bowl of cereal and drinking a cup of coffee. Going in she smiled as she looked at him. "I think I slept the best I have in ages," she told him before going to his cabinets and getting a cup down before pouring herself a cup of coffee then joining Taylor at the table. "It was nice being in your arms again," she smiled for once feeling like maybe she could finally get what they had back. Maybe she could actually finally be his wife and step-mom to his kids. Then one day they could have their own.
"It was a mistake Nat," Taylor said in between bites of his cereal before turning to look at Natalie who now sat beside him. "It was a mistake," he repeated as his eyes looked her over. She was wearing one of Avery's bathrobes and he made a face. It was one Avery hated and to be honest he could see why. It was floral and looked like something his mom would wear which was funny because she was the one who had given it to Avery.
Hearing Taylor say what had happened last night was a mistake Natalie felt like she had been slapped in the face, "You may have been drunk but it wasn't a mistake."
"Yes it was," Taylor nodded as he looked away from her. "I still love my wife and I shouldn't have let myself even kiss you. Having sex while my marriage crumbles isn't fixing anything."
Natalie frowned as she listened to him, "Neither is getting a divorce without really talking to your wife," she said before finishing her coffee. "But you're doing that and don't seem to think it is a mistake."
Taylor closed his eyes briefly at Natalie's words, "I know that," he snapped once he had opened his eyes and he looked back at her. "I know it's a mistake Natalie and I don't really need to be reminded of that and made to feel worse when I already feel fucking awful for what happened last night."
When Taylor snapped at her Natalie jumped slightly but stood from the chair, "Well I'm sorry that sex with me made you feel so awful," she told him as she tried to keep herself composed. "I'm sorry that I was just trying to make you feel better," she said as she shook her head. "I think I'm going to go get dressed and go. It's obvious you need some time alone to deal or whatever the fuck you have to do."
"Yeah I think you leaving is a good idea," Taylor agreed as he looked away from her again. "And I'm not sure when or if I want to see you again so don't come over in a few hours or a few days."
Nodding her head Natalie left the kitchen and headed upstairs. Getting to the bedroom she slipped the robe off and put her clothes back on quickly before leaving the room and eventually the house. Walking to her own house she raised an eyebrow at the person sitting on her front porch. It was a friend of hers she hadn't seen since leaving California though she had kept in constant contact with the person.
"B..Brenda?" she asked wanting to make sure she wasn't seeing things. "I didn't expect to see you here."
Brenda laughed at Natalie's shock, "I didn't expect to be here," she said as she stood up and wiped her pants off before pulling Natalie into a hug. She and Natalie had been neighbors at her apartment complex in California. They had somehow though became close during their times as neighbors. "I came because Steve ended things," she frowned before pulling away from the hug. "He seems to think I'm still in love with Zac."
"And are you?" Natalie asked curiously as she raised an eyebrow. She knew from the times she had seen Zac and Brenda together they had always seemed so in love. More so compared to the short time she saw Brenda with Steve before moving back home to Kentucky.
Brenda smiled as she thought of Natalie's answer, "Of course I still love him. I think I was just trying to replace Zac because I wasn't sure he could handle the kind of commitement I need now."
Natalie just shook her head as she listened to Brenda talk, "And now you think the boy is ready for marriage and kids?"
"Yes," Brenda laughed though it was almost a giggle. "I think he is and I feel so awful for even ending things with him to begin with."
"If you feel that way then why are you here on my doorstep?" Natalie asked walking to her door. "Why don't you get on the next plane out of this place and go find Zac whereever he ran off too?"
Brenda looked down at Natalie's words, "Because this is where Zac is as well," she said before looking back up. "Zac's from here too and he came here. According to his facebook he's doing some teaching at the local community college. Some art classes."
As Natalie took in what Brenda said she had barely just stepped into her house when she came to a stop. Brenda's Zac was from Kentucky. He was from this town and teaching art classes. Shaking her head as she thought of the man Avery was with, her teacher who Taylor had said was named Zac she sighed. She had came to the only possible conclusion there was.
The same man Brenda had came back to win was the man who was involved with Taylor's wife. Natalie knew if Zac went back to Brenda then Avery would come running back to Taylor and she didn't want that but then again she didn't want her friend not to be happy and if Zac made her happy...but no she had just slept with Taylor and even though he was angry she had hopes he would come around.
"So what are you plans to get Zac back?" Natalie asked as her voice cracked some though she hoped Brenda didn't notice. In the end it seemed fate really didn't want Natalie to get her happy ending with Taylor. No Avery would get hers with Taylor the moment she came back to him after Zac had went back to Brenda.
Brenda went inside her friends house, "Finding him and explaining things. Telling him I made a huge mistake and that I hope we can work on our issues. Though I was kind of hoping I could stay at your place. I mean until I get the man I love back and we both more than likely go back to California."
Nodding Natalie just forced a smile, "Of course you can stay here," she said as she tried to show she was okay even if inside she felt as if she was anything but okay.
That afternoon Avery sighed as she cleaned her kitchen up some. Zac was gone now and it was just her and the boys. She had tried calling Taylor like she had told Charlie she would but he hadn't answered his phone. At the time she had thought maybe he had just been asleep but she had called two more times since then and she still hadn't gotten an answer. She knew she was probably paranoid but she was beginning to worry about him especially after last night and him seeing Zac.
Hearing a knock at her door she was brought out of her thoughts as she glanced at her wrist watch. It wasn't time for Zoe to get here and watch the boys while she went to work. That was still a few more hours off. "Hopefully it's not Jolene," she said to herself as she left the kitchen. "Or Diana," she muttered under her breath after that. She had,had enough of both of them yesterday to last a lifetime.
Opening the door finally she felt herself grin as she saw Taylor all worry about him leaving her. "I've been trying to call you all day," she spoke as she moved in to pull him into a hug. "I was worried," she said as she felt his arms go around her too and his head bury in her neck where last night Zac's head had been.
As Avery pulled him into her arms Taylor buried his face into her neck as he broke down crying. He hadn't meant too but since sleeping with Natalie he had been doing everything to hold himself together. Hell sleeping with Natalie was why he was here. He was here to confess that to Avery even though he knew he didn't have too but she had been honest with him yesterday about Zac even though she didn't have too and so he was going to do the same even if he was slightly pissed that she had ignored his call last night.
"I made a mistake," Taylor whispered into her neck his breath hitting her skin as more tears came down his cheeks. "I made a really huge mistake."
When Taylor broke down crying on her and then said he had made a mistake Avery pulled away and looked at him, "What kind of mistake did you make?" she asked feeling confused.
"I should probably come inside," Taylor said not wanting to have this conversation outside.
Nodding Avery moved aside so he could come in and the minute he did she shut the door, "What mistake did you make?" she asked again still confused and now curious. What could have him this upset?
Hearing her ask that question again Taylor ran a hand through his hair. It was messy and he hadn't felt like even fixing it to come see her, "Sit down before I tell you."
Avery rolled her eyes at him ignoring her question again but she sat down, looking at him expectantly after she had.
Taylor swallowed hard at the way Avery looked at him after she had sat down and he knew now he couldn't hold off his confession. He had to tell her and he was dreading it. "I...I had sex with Natalie last night," he confessed his voice cracking up some when he had first started to talk.
Waking the next morning to the smell of food cooking Avery sat up in bed and looked around not seeing Zac beside her and she slowly slipped out of bed. Grabbing her panties she slipped them back on before grabbing Zac's t-shirt that he had taken off last night. Luckily for her it went past her panties and stopped well enough down her legs that her kids wouldn't see anything.
Going out of her bedroom she walked into the kitchen and laughed as she saw Zac standing at her stove, "If you burn my apartment down I am going to have to murder you," she teased before walking over to him.
Zac laughed as he turned his head to look at Avery who had came to a stop beside him, "You're kids woke up and were hungry. I decided to fix them eggs. It's the only simple thing I can actually fix," he said as he looked at her. "They didn't seem to mind them actually. In fact Charlie wants more."
Avery raised an eyebrow and looked out from her kitchen entry way to see the kids sitting on the floor watching some sort of Saturday cartoon. "And your fixing him more eggs?"
"Yes," Zac nodded as he raised an eyebrow too. "Is that okay with you?"
Avery smiled, "That's fine with me just try not set my apartment on fire," she teased him again before leaving to head into the living room where her kids where. Sitting down beside Charlie she smiled at him as she ruffled his hair.
"Zac makes eggs mommy," Charlie piped up as he turned his head to look at his mommy. "They better than daddies."
Laughing some Avery just shook her head, "Well let's not tell daddy they are better than his," she said not sure how well Taylor would handle knowing Zac could make eggs better than him. Hell she wasn't sure how well Taylor was handling everything with Zac to begin with.
"I won't," Charlie smiled as he moved in closer to his mommy and soon climbed onto her lap. "I miss daddy though."
"I bet you do Charlie buddy," Avery sighed as she looked down at the child in her lap. Charlie had always been more of a daddy's boy while Jonah was the typical mommy's boy that most boys tended to be. "How about later today I call daddy and you can talk to him?" she asked curiously. She figured both Charlie and Taylor would like that.
Grinning at his mommy's words Charlie nodded, "Talk to daddy," he said knowing he wanted to talk to his daddy. "Please."
When Charlie said please Avery just smiled and leaned down to kiss the top of his head, "After breakfast okay," she said to him as she heard footsteps coming into the room and she looked up seeing Zac coming into the room with two plates which made her look at him with curiosity.
"I figured you may be hungry too," Zac said as he reached where Avery was sitting in the floor with Charlie on her lap. "So I fixed you some eggs as well," he smiled handing one plate to Charlie and the other to Avery.
Avery gave Zac a smile as she took the plate from him, "Thank you," she said before leaning over slightly to kiss his cheek. She would have kissed him on the lips but she wasn't sure if she was ready to do that in front of her kids, even if she could wear his shirt in front of them.
Zac felt Avery kiss his cheek and he smiled some, "I should go shower," he told her before running a hand through his hair. "I have some errands to run today. The first being to take my mom back her container she brought the macaroni and cheese in."
At Zac mentioning getting a shower Avery looked down at the shirt she had on, "I will take this off after I eat," she said knowing he'd need it before he left. "After you get out I'll probably just get in the shower myself and see what the boys and I can get into before I have to work tonight. Are you still coming over after I get off from work?" she asked him curiously.
"I should be unless something major happens like my trusty old truck getting into an accident," Zac smirked before heading down the hall towards her bathroom. He knew they hadn't had much time to talk about last night and having sex but he was curious if she had regretted it. Yeah she had said she liked it and yes they had even went for a second round but that didn't mean Avery didn't regret what they had done.
Shaking his head he just shut the door to her bathroom and stripped out of his boxers before starting the water for the shower and stepping in once it was just right.
Natalie groaned some as she moved in the bed she had been sleeping peacefully in. Waking up when her arm landed on the pillow beside her she opened her eyes and frowned as she saw Taylor was gone from the bed. Standing up after she got out of bed she walked to the closet and opened the door a smile on her face as she saw some of Avery's clothes were still there including a bathrobe.
Slipping the bathrobe on she headed downstairs where she soon found Taylor in the kitchen where he sat at the table eating a bowl of cereal and drinking a cup of coffee. Going in she smiled as she looked at him. "I think I slept the best I have in ages," she told him before going to his cabinets and getting a cup down before pouring herself a cup of coffee then joining Taylor at the table. "It was nice being in your arms again," she smiled for once feeling like maybe she could finally get what they had back. Maybe she could actually finally be his wife and step-mom to his kids. Then one day they could have their own.
"It was a mistake Nat," Taylor said in between bites of his cereal before turning to look at Natalie who now sat beside him. "It was a mistake," he repeated as his eyes looked her over. She was wearing one of Avery's bathrobes and he made a face. It was one Avery hated and to be honest he could see why. It was floral and looked like something his mom would wear which was funny because she was the one who had given it to Avery.
Hearing Taylor say what had happened last night was a mistake Natalie felt like she had been slapped in the face, "You may have been drunk but it wasn't a mistake."
"Yes it was," Taylor nodded as he looked away from her. "I still love my wife and I shouldn't have let myself even kiss you. Having sex while my marriage crumbles isn't fixing anything."
Natalie frowned as she listened to him, "Neither is getting a divorce without really talking to your wife," she said before finishing her coffee. "But you're doing that and don't seem to think it is a mistake."
Taylor closed his eyes briefly at Natalie's words, "I know that," he snapped once he had opened his eyes and he looked back at her. "I know it's a mistake Natalie and I don't really need to be reminded of that and made to feel worse when I already feel fucking awful for what happened last night."
When Taylor snapped at her Natalie jumped slightly but stood from the chair, "Well I'm sorry that sex with me made you feel so awful," she told him as she tried to keep herself composed. "I'm sorry that I was just trying to make you feel better," she said as she shook her head. "I think I'm going to go get dressed and go. It's obvious you need some time alone to deal or whatever the fuck you have to do."
"Yeah I think you leaving is a good idea," Taylor agreed as he looked away from her again. "And I'm not sure when or if I want to see you again so don't come over in a few hours or a few days."
Nodding her head Natalie left the kitchen and headed upstairs. Getting to the bedroom she slipped the robe off and put her clothes back on quickly before leaving the room and eventually the house. Walking to her own house she raised an eyebrow at the person sitting on her front porch. It was a friend of hers she hadn't seen since leaving California though she had kept in constant contact with the person.
"B..Brenda?" she asked wanting to make sure she wasn't seeing things. "I didn't expect to see you here."
Brenda laughed at Natalie's shock, "I didn't expect to be here," she said as she stood up and wiped her pants off before pulling Natalie into a hug. She and Natalie had been neighbors at her apartment complex in California. They had somehow though became close during their times as neighbors. "I came because Steve ended things," she frowned before pulling away from the hug. "He seems to think I'm still in love with Zac."
"And are you?" Natalie asked curiously as she raised an eyebrow. She knew from the times she had seen Zac and Brenda together they had always seemed so in love. More so compared to the short time she saw Brenda with Steve before moving back home to Kentucky.
Brenda smiled as she thought of Natalie's answer, "Of course I still love him. I think I was just trying to replace Zac because I wasn't sure he could handle the kind of commitement I need now."
Natalie just shook her head as she listened to Brenda talk, "And now you think the boy is ready for marriage and kids?"
"Yes," Brenda laughed though it was almost a giggle. "I think he is and I feel so awful for even ending things with him to begin with."
"If you feel that way then why are you here on my doorstep?" Natalie asked walking to her door. "Why don't you get on the next plane out of this place and go find Zac whereever he ran off too?"
Brenda looked down at Natalie's words, "Because this is where Zac is as well," she said before looking back up. "Zac's from here too and he came here. According to his facebook he's doing some teaching at the local community college. Some art classes."
As Natalie took in what Brenda said she had barely just stepped into her house when she came to a stop. Brenda's Zac was from Kentucky. He was from this town and teaching art classes. Shaking her head as she thought of the man Avery was with, her teacher who Taylor had said was named Zac she sighed. She had came to the only possible conclusion there was.
The same man Brenda had came back to win was the man who was involved with Taylor's wife. Natalie knew if Zac went back to Brenda then Avery would come running back to Taylor and she didn't want that but then again she didn't want her friend not to be happy and if Zac made her happy...but no she had just slept with Taylor and even though he was angry she had hopes he would come around.
"So what are you plans to get Zac back?" Natalie asked as her voice cracked some though she hoped Brenda didn't notice. In the end it seemed fate really didn't want Natalie to get her happy ending with Taylor. No Avery would get hers with Taylor the moment she came back to him after Zac had went back to Brenda.
Brenda went inside her friends house, "Finding him and explaining things. Telling him I made a huge mistake and that I hope we can work on our issues. Though I was kind of hoping I could stay at your place. I mean until I get the man I love back and we both more than likely go back to California."
Nodding Natalie just forced a smile, "Of course you can stay here," she said as she tried to show she was okay even if inside she felt as if she was anything but okay.
That afternoon Avery sighed as she cleaned her kitchen up some. Zac was gone now and it was just her and the boys. She had tried calling Taylor like she had told Charlie she would but he hadn't answered his phone. At the time she had thought maybe he had just been asleep but she had called two more times since then and she still hadn't gotten an answer. She knew she was probably paranoid but she was beginning to worry about him especially after last night and him seeing Zac.
Hearing a knock at her door she was brought out of her thoughts as she glanced at her wrist watch. It wasn't time for Zoe to get here and watch the boys while she went to work. That was still a few more hours off. "Hopefully it's not Jolene," she said to herself as she left the kitchen. "Or Diana," she muttered under her breath after that. She had,had enough of both of them yesterday to last a lifetime.
Opening the door finally she felt herself grin as she saw Taylor all worry about him leaving her. "I've been trying to call you all day," she spoke as she moved in to pull him into a hug. "I was worried," she said as she felt his arms go around her too and his head bury in her neck where last night Zac's head had been.
As Avery pulled him into her arms Taylor buried his face into her neck as he broke down crying. He hadn't meant too but since sleeping with Natalie he had been doing everything to hold himself together. Hell sleeping with Natalie was why he was here. He was here to confess that to Avery even though he knew he didn't have too but she had been honest with him yesterday about Zac even though she didn't have too and so he was going to do the same even if he was slightly pissed that she had ignored his call last night.
"I made a mistake," Taylor whispered into her neck his breath hitting her skin as more tears came down his cheeks. "I made a really huge mistake."
When Taylor broke down crying on her and then said he had made a mistake Avery pulled away and looked at him, "What kind of mistake did you make?" she asked feeling confused.
"I should probably come inside," Taylor said not wanting to have this conversation outside.
Nodding Avery moved aside so he could come in and the minute he did she shut the door, "What mistake did you make?" she asked again still confused and now curious. What could have him this upset?
Hearing her ask that question again Taylor ran a hand through his hair. It was messy and he hadn't felt like even fixing it to come see her, "Sit down before I tell you."
Avery rolled her eyes at him ignoring her question again but she sat down, looking at him expectantly after she had.
Taylor swallowed hard at the way Avery looked at him after she had sat down and he knew now he couldn't hold off his confession. He had to tell her and he was dreading it. "I...I had sex with Natalie last night," he confessed his voice cracking up some when he had first started to talk.