Stained Red Chapter Twenty-Three
Isaac looked around the park he now sat at. His eyes landing on children playing he smiled sadly thinking of his own three children back at home. Natalie had called him last night or more like this morning as it was going on midnight and told him that she and Taylor were planning on telling Theo the truth today. While he wished he could be there he half felt as if maybe it would be better this way. It would be better because it would give Taylor a chance to step in as a parent if Theo lashed out. It was something Taylor needed to learn if he too wanted a part in Theo's life.
Sighing he ran a hand through his hair wondering how much things would change once he did go back to Oklahoma. With Theo knowing the truth things were bound to change and Isaac still felt like maybe by leaving he had ended the marriage between himself and Natalie even if he did love her and god did he love her even if before this year he had been too stubborn to admit it but maybe there was a difference between loving her and being in love with her.
Looking up when he heard someone holler his name Isaac smiled seeing Kate. He had called her up and asked her to come here. The kids could play while they chatted. Their conversation yesterday had helped him and maybe talking to her today would help as well.
"Sorry I was running late," Kate spoke as she reached Isaac. "Shepherd decided to show he was a Hanson and threw a fit," she laughed as she sat down her eyes staying on her kids. Shepherd was leading Junia to the slide.
Isaac laughed at Kate's words, "Of course Shepherd decided to show his Hanson genes. Sometimes that just happens," he teased as he shrugged. "I'm sure my own kids show their Hanson genes at times too."
Kate smiled at Isaac's mention of his own kids. "Speaking of them Diana called me last night," she informed him. "Natalie confessed everything to her."
"Yeah she called me as well though it was right before I ran into you at the ice cream place," Isaac laughed as he shrugged. "She's pissed but I think in time she'll calm down. I mean everything Natalie told her, her reasons where all reasons I already knew or suspected anyway."
Listening to Isaac, Kate sighed, "You aren't mad at her though?" she asked as she raised an eyebrow. "I mean I may be talking to her again occasionally thus how I knew about the abortion comment but I'm still mad at her for her actions. She acts like she can get away with everything without there being a fallout."
Isaac laughed slightly because Kate was speaking the truth, "Oh I was mad but I have had time to come to terms with my suspicions. I have had time to get used to things. Ya'll haven't."
"I guess that makes sense," Kate said as she looked at the kids. They were still happy playing it seemed. If they weren't she was sure she would have heard them complaining. "I just hate the way she has done everyone."
"I did too but there's no use in complaining about the past," Isaac sighed as he looked down at his wedding band. He knew it was wrong to still hope he could go back to when he had been naive to Natalie's ways. "She is telling Theo the truth today. Her and Taylor decided it was best."
Kate found herself at a loss of words now. Natalie telling Theo the truth about his paternity wouldn't go well. Theo had a tendency to be moody sometimes. She could just see the kid lashing out at Natalie.
"I thought I would be okay with Theo knowing the truth," Isaac continued at Kate's silence. "But to be honest I don't want him to know. I want to keep things the way they were. I want to be his only dad. I know once he knows things will change so much. Things are already changing."
Frowning Kate reached over and put her hand on Isaac's back comforting him slightly. "Changes can be good sometimes," she offered not sure if that would help him.
Isaac laughed bitterly shaking his head, "How can anything good come from this change?" he asked as he eyed the brunette beside him. "Taylor's gonna be in my life in more ways than one but then again I guess he will be anyway because of the baby on the way," he hissed out still feeling hurt that Natalie was having a second baby by Taylor.
"Natalie has a right to do what she wants," Kate muttered knowing that even if Isaac hated this he had no say on if Natalie had kept this baby. "Though if I were in her situation I'd probably aborted the baby if that was what Zac had wanted."
Being surprised at Kate's answer to what she would have done in Natalie's situation he smiled some, "Zac would have never asked that."
"True," Kate nodded knowing Zac would have been okay if she had kept the baby. Zac even if he had lied about his virginity and slept with Natalie was still a good man. Kate knew that much to be true. He would have raised the baby with her and he would have been okay with his brother being in the child's life too though Kate figured apart of those reasons were because he just never fully loved her even if he still couldn't admit that.
After Kate spoke the rest of the time at the park went by in silence. Silence that Isaac was thankful for and even though neither of them said anything he was glad Kate stayed. It was nice at least knowing she was there. It was nice knowing that he had a friend when he needed one even if his friend was his brother's soon to be ex-wife.
When the time came for Kate to leave Isaac left as well too promising Kate that he would call her so they could meet up again. He really did want to hang out with her at least once without her kids around.
Arriving home an hour later Isaac saw his answering machine flashing and he walked over pressing play. He was half expecting to hear his mom's voice on it but when he was greeted by Natalie's he frowned. She sounded upset and it was obvious she had been crying. All that she had said was that she wanted him to call her if he wanted too. He was glad she added that in because Isaac wasn't sure he wanted too.
Taking the cordless phone from the cradle that held it he sighed dialing his home phone. He wasn't sure this was the right thing to do but damn it Natalie had just sounded so upset and Isaac wanted to know why. If things had gone badly when she and Taylor had told Theo.
"Hello," Natalie said into the phone after the third ring. She hadn't checked the i.d. so she had no clue who was calling.
Hearing Natalie answer Isaac took a deep breath, "I got your message," he spoke as he sat down on the couch after taking his shoes off. "What happened?"
"Taylor didn't show up," Natalie frowned as she felt more tears sting her eyes. "He didn't show up to tell Theo. In fact he called saying that he didn't think he could do this. He doesn't want to be a father."
When Isaac heard Natalie he couldn't help but feel relieved though in Natalie's current state he probably wouldn't tell her that. "What made him say that?" Isaac asked flashing back to when Taylor had punched him at 3CG. Taylor had been so adamant that he had wanted to be a part of Theo's life. Taylor had wanted it and Isaac half believed he was being honest so he wasn't sure what had caused his brother's change of heart.
Natalie took a deep breath at Isaac's words, "I think it's because I rejected him again last night," she said as she chewed on her lip. "He kissed me and I let him for awhile," she admitted honestly. "But then I pulled away. I'm not in love with him and I couldn't do that again," she shook her head.
Isaac stayed silent as Natalie talked. A thousand things going through his head. He was disappointed that Taylor had kissed her again but then he felt relieved when she said she wasn't in love with Taylor.
"Why did he kiss you?" Isaac asked voicing his thoughts out loud.
"Because I told him I wasn't sure if I was in love with you. I mean I know I love you but I'm not sure I'm in love with you," Natalie admitted honestly not sure if the phone was the right place to have this conversation but it seemed it was going to happen on the phone regardless.
"Oh," Isaac whispered being floored by her words. Words that hurt but then again he wasn't sure they shocked him either. Maybe he had always suspected Natalie wasn't in love with him or that she had doubts. "I guess I'm not surprised by that."
Natalie raised an eyebrow though Isaac couldn't see her, "You aren't?" she asked as she felt her heartbeat get faster.
"No," Isaac laughed though it came out bitter. "If you were in love with me would you really have lied for ten whole years? You don't lie to someone you're in love with."
"I guess you have a point," Natalie spoke as she swallowed hard. "I..I do love you though Isaac."
Nodding even if Natalie couldn't see him Isaac sighed, "But you still aren't sure whether you're in love with me," he spoke as he blinked a few times. He felt almost bittersweet right now. "Maybe it's best if we divorce Nata," he said as he looked down at his wedding band again for the second time today. "You don't know if you're in love with me and what good is staying in it if you aren't in love."
Going silent at Isaac's words Natalie tried to find her own words for the longest time but she just couldn't.
"I'll call my lawyer tomorrow Nata," Isaac said during her silence. "Have the papers drawn again. We can figure out more stuff once I come back to Tulsa again."
"O..okay," Natalie stuttered out. She knew Isaac was right. This was the right choice and she wouldn't fight it. She needed to let him go so he could find happiness. Happiness and love with someone else who could return his love fully.
Swallowing a lump Isaac took a deep breath, "Did you ever love anyone Natalie? I mean you don't love Taylor and you aren't in love with me."
"I loved Zac," Natalie admitted as she frowned. "I loved Zac but that ended when he went back to Kate when we were teens."
Feeling some sadness at Natalie's admittance to being in love with Zac, Isaac sighed and said a goodbye before hanging up. Standing from the couch he put the phone back in it's cradle and went into the kitchen where he kept the alcohol. He just wanted to get drunk and forget this whole mess right now. He wanted to forget that his marriage was done for good. There was no fixing it. Hoping for that was just a pipe dream.
"She still loves him," Isaac voiced to himself as he took the bottle of whiskey off the top of the fridge. "She still loves Zac," he stated knowing he had heard it in her voice. She was still in love with Zac and maybe always had been and he had been so blind to it along with everything else about her.
Isaac looked around the park he now sat at. His eyes landing on children playing he smiled sadly thinking of his own three children back at home. Natalie had called him last night or more like this morning as it was going on midnight and told him that she and Taylor were planning on telling Theo the truth today. While he wished he could be there he half felt as if maybe it would be better this way. It would be better because it would give Taylor a chance to step in as a parent if Theo lashed out. It was something Taylor needed to learn if he too wanted a part in Theo's life.
Sighing he ran a hand through his hair wondering how much things would change once he did go back to Oklahoma. With Theo knowing the truth things were bound to change and Isaac still felt like maybe by leaving he had ended the marriage between himself and Natalie even if he did love her and god did he love her even if before this year he had been too stubborn to admit it but maybe there was a difference between loving her and being in love with her.
Looking up when he heard someone holler his name Isaac smiled seeing Kate. He had called her up and asked her to come here. The kids could play while they chatted. Their conversation yesterday had helped him and maybe talking to her today would help as well.
"Sorry I was running late," Kate spoke as she reached Isaac. "Shepherd decided to show he was a Hanson and threw a fit," she laughed as she sat down her eyes staying on her kids. Shepherd was leading Junia to the slide.
Isaac laughed at Kate's words, "Of course Shepherd decided to show his Hanson genes. Sometimes that just happens," he teased as he shrugged. "I'm sure my own kids show their Hanson genes at times too."
Kate smiled at Isaac's mention of his own kids. "Speaking of them Diana called me last night," she informed him. "Natalie confessed everything to her."
"Yeah she called me as well though it was right before I ran into you at the ice cream place," Isaac laughed as he shrugged. "She's pissed but I think in time she'll calm down. I mean everything Natalie told her, her reasons where all reasons I already knew or suspected anyway."
Listening to Isaac, Kate sighed, "You aren't mad at her though?" she asked as she raised an eyebrow. "I mean I may be talking to her again occasionally thus how I knew about the abortion comment but I'm still mad at her for her actions. She acts like she can get away with everything without there being a fallout."
Isaac laughed slightly because Kate was speaking the truth, "Oh I was mad but I have had time to come to terms with my suspicions. I have had time to get used to things. Ya'll haven't."
"I guess that makes sense," Kate said as she looked at the kids. They were still happy playing it seemed. If they weren't she was sure she would have heard them complaining. "I just hate the way she has done everyone."
"I did too but there's no use in complaining about the past," Isaac sighed as he looked down at his wedding band. He knew it was wrong to still hope he could go back to when he had been naive to Natalie's ways. "She is telling Theo the truth today. Her and Taylor decided it was best."
Kate found herself at a loss of words now. Natalie telling Theo the truth about his paternity wouldn't go well. Theo had a tendency to be moody sometimes. She could just see the kid lashing out at Natalie.
"I thought I would be okay with Theo knowing the truth," Isaac continued at Kate's silence. "But to be honest I don't want him to know. I want to keep things the way they were. I want to be his only dad. I know once he knows things will change so much. Things are already changing."
Frowning Kate reached over and put her hand on Isaac's back comforting him slightly. "Changes can be good sometimes," she offered not sure if that would help him.
Isaac laughed bitterly shaking his head, "How can anything good come from this change?" he asked as he eyed the brunette beside him. "Taylor's gonna be in my life in more ways than one but then again I guess he will be anyway because of the baby on the way," he hissed out still feeling hurt that Natalie was having a second baby by Taylor.
"Natalie has a right to do what she wants," Kate muttered knowing that even if Isaac hated this he had no say on if Natalie had kept this baby. "Though if I were in her situation I'd probably aborted the baby if that was what Zac had wanted."
Being surprised at Kate's answer to what she would have done in Natalie's situation he smiled some, "Zac would have never asked that."
"True," Kate nodded knowing Zac would have been okay if she had kept the baby. Zac even if he had lied about his virginity and slept with Natalie was still a good man. Kate knew that much to be true. He would have raised the baby with her and he would have been okay with his brother being in the child's life too though Kate figured apart of those reasons were because he just never fully loved her even if he still couldn't admit that.
After Kate spoke the rest of the time at the park went by in silence. Silence that Isaac was thankful for and even though neither of them said anything he was glad Kate stayed. It was nice at least knowing she was there. It was nice knowing that he had a friend when he needed one even if his friend was his brother's soon to be ex-wife.
When the time came for Kate to leave Isaac left as well too promising Kate that he would call her so they could meet up again. He really did want to hang out with her at least once without her kids around.
Arriving home an hour later Isaac saw his answering machine flashing and he walked over pressing play. He was half expecting to hear his mom's voice on it but when he was greeted by Natalie's he frowned. She sounded upset and it was obvious she had been crying. All that she had said was that she wanted him to call her if he wanted too. He was glad she added that in because Isaac wasn't sure he wanted too.
Taking the cordless phone from the cradle that held it he sighed dialing his home phone. He wasn't sure this was the right thing to do but damn it Natalie had just sounded so upset and Isaac wanted to know why. If things had gone badly when she and Taylor had told Theo.
"Hello," Natalie said into the phone after the third ring. She hadn't checked the i.d. so she had no clue who was calling.
Hearing Natalie answer Isaac took a deep breath, "I got your message," he spoke as he sat down on the couch after taking his shoes off. "What happened?"
"Taylor didn't show up," Natalie frowned as she felt more tears sting her eyes. "He didn't show up to tell Theo. In fact he called saying that he didn't think he could do this. He doesn't want to be a father."
When Isaac heard Natalie he couldn't help but feel relieved though in Natalie's current state he probably wouldn't tell her that. "What made him say that?" Isaac asked flashing back to when Taylor had punched him at 3CG. Taylor had been so adamant that he had wanted to be a part of Theo's life. Taylor had wanted it and Isaac half believed he was being honest so he wasn't sure what had caused his brother's change of heart.
Natalie took a deep breath at Isaac's words, "I think it's because I rejected him again last night," she said as she chewed on her lip. "He kissed me and I let him for awhile," she admitted honestly. "But then I pulled away. I'm not in love with him and I couldn't do that again," she shook her head.
Isaac stayed silent as Natalie talked. A thousand things going through his head. He was disappointed that Taylor had kissed her again but then he felt relieved when she said she wasn't in love with Taylor.
"Why did he kiss you?" Isaac asked voicing his thoughts out loud.
"Because I told him I wasn't sure if I was in love with you. I mean I know I love you but I'm not sure I'm in love with you," Natalie admitted honestly not sure if the phone was the right place to have this conversation but it seemed it was going to happen on the phone regardless.
"Oh," Isaac whispered being floored by her words. Words that hurt but then again he wasn't sure they shocked him either. Maybe he had always suspected Natalie wasn't in love with him or that she had doubts. "I guess I'm not surprised by that."
Natalie raised an eyebrow though Isaac couldn't see her, "You aren't?" she asked as she felt her heartbeat get faster.
"No," Isaac laughed though it came out bitter. "If you were in love with me would you really have lied for ten whole years? You don't lie to someone you're in love with."
"I guess you have a point," Natalie spoke as she swallowed hard. "I..I do love you though Isaac."
Nodding even if Natalie couldn't see him Isaac sighed, "But you still aren't sure whether you're in love with me," he spoke as he blinked a few times. He felt almost bittersweet right now. "Maybe it's best if we divorce Nata," he said as he looked down at his wedding band again for the second time today. "You don't know if you're in love with me and what good is staying in it if you aren't in love."
Going silent at Isaac's words Natalie tried to find her own words for the longest time but she just couldn't.
"I'll call my lawyer tomorrow Nata," Isaac said during her silence. "Have the papers drawn again. We can figure out more stuff once I come back to Tulsa again."
"O..okay," Natalie stuttered out. She knew Isaac was right. This was the right choice and she wouldn't fight it. She needed to let him go so he could find happiness. Happiness and love with someone else who could return his love fully.
Swallowing a lump Isaac took a deep breath, "Did you ever love anyone Natalie? I mean you don't love Taylor and you aren't in love with me."
"I loved Zac," Natalie admitted as she frowned. "I loved Zac but that ended when he went back to Kate when we were teens."
Feeling some sadness at Natalie's admittance to being in love with Zac, Isaac sighed and said a goodbye before hanging up. Standing from the couch he put the phone back in it's cradle and went into the kitchen where he kept the alcohol. He just wanted to get drunk and forget this whole mess right now. He wanted to forget that his marriage was done for good. There was no fixing it. Hoping for that was just a pipe dream.
"She still loves him," Isaac voiced to himself as he took the bottle of whiskey off the top of the fridge. "She still loves Zac," he stated knowing he had heard it in her voice. She was still in love with Zac and maybe always had been and he had been so blind to it along with everything else about her.