Zac stood there dumbfounded as Taylor's wife just stood in the entry way of the kitchen, looking at him as if she was about to die from a stroke or a panic attack or some other form of not so nice ways to die and the longer she stood there he eventually turned to Taylor, "Is she alright?" he questioned as he raised an eyebrow.
"She should be," Taylor shrugged as he looked back at his own wife. "Avie hon, are you okay?"
It was at Taylor's question that he watched Avery snap out of the horror induced daze she had been in, "I...yeah..." she stuttered as she looked away from Zac and a blush crept onto her cheeks. "Sorry," she apologized and she sounded sincere. "It's nice to meet you Jack...I mean Zac," she spoke trying to correct herself quickly but Zac had heard her mistake.
Avery's mistake was enough for Zac to realize then why she had acted the way she had and now it was his turn to have a moment of panic because if she knew about his porn career then Taylor might know and he hadn't wanted anyone to know, hell he had even hid it from Nikki and she was..well had been his wife.
"Did you just call my brother Jack?" Taylor asked with a hint of confusion in his voice that soothed Zac's fears of him knowing about his porn career just a bit.
Zac laughed at that which got Taylor to look at him, "I'm sure it was an honest mistake," he lied as he eyed Avery briefly seeing her blush again. "I've been told I look like a Jack before and Jack is awfully close to Zac."
It seemed Zac's words were enough to tide Taylor over because Taylor just gave him a skeptical look though he didn't question things as he turned back to the food he was fixing and Zac moved away from the stove slightly until he was beside Avery, "The real reason for your mess up is our secret," he muttered under his breath but low enough that only she could hear him.
"I have no clue what you mean," Avery said and it was clear from the way she spoke she was lying. "It was a general mistake like you said."
Wanting to laugh at that, Zac did his best to reign that in by biting his bottom lip harshly. "Whatever you say," he commented remaining entirely unconvinced that she hadn't seen his porn movies, because she had somehow and obviously she was embarrassed about it or maybe she was afraid Taylor would find out which was an idea even Zac didn't like.
"I think I am going to head out for a bit Taylor," Zac spoke up loudly which made Taylor turn to face him again. "Mind if I borrow your car?"
"You aren't going to stay and eat with us?" Taylor questioned sounding just a bit offended which made Zac feel awful but knowing Avery knew about his career was making him uneasy and well also there was someone he wanted, no needed to see.
Zac shook his head, "Maybe I'll stop by mom and dad's on the way back here and get something to eat. I just want to get out for a bit and drive around, see the roads that use to be so familiar to me until Nikki and I left it all for Hollywood."
"Whatever you say," Taylor muttered still sounding offended. "But yeah, you can borrow my car but please no lead foot which you're known to have."
Avery laughed at that before turning to Zac, "His car is his baby, I swear he loves that thing more than me or his own children."
Smiling slightly at Avery's words Zac breathed a bit in relief because that bit of interaction had been the least tense either one of them had been since meeting each other and maybe they'd actually get along.
"He's always been that way," Zac informed her before heading out of the kitchen entry way and towards the front door where the key rack was.
Grabbing the keys he had watched Taylor put up when they arrived he then headed out to Taylor's car and got in, starting it up and driving off. It was weird to be driving this because it wasn't his truck but at least he knew his truck was on it's way. Isaac and his wife Kate who both lived in California now had opted to bring it as well as the rest of his stuff that he couldn't bring on a plane and hopefully in a few days when they came in for their annual visit he would finally have his own baby back as well as all the stuff Nikki had said he could have, though in the end he was still waiting on the judge's ruling in a few months on if he got the house in California.
After an hour of driving around the back roads of Nashville, Zac pulled Taylor's car into the drive way of Natalie's house and got out. Heading onto the porch he was just about to raise his hand and knock when the door opened and he was greeted by the sight of the woman who had used to be his sister-in-law...and well she had also used to be a whole lot more than that too.
"Zac?" Natalie questioned as she raised an eyebrow and looked at him curiously. "I...don't you live in California now?"
Zac laughed at Natalie's second question, "I did," he nodded as he chewed his lip and ran a hand through his hair. "Nikki and I divorced and I decided to come back home. At least until I know if I get the house in California or until I feel like up to being in the same state as her."
"Ended that bad?" Natalie asked moving aside so that Zac could come in and once he had slipped inside, he heard her shut the door behind him.
"Pretty much," Zac nodded surprised by the silence that enveloped the house. "Where are the kids at?" he asked knowing he hadn't seen Ezra or Penny in years. He and Nikki had just never made the time to come and visit after they had moved and then Nikki's career had taken off and then they no longer had time to visit.
Natalie rolled her eyes playfully at Zac's comment on where the kids were, "I sent them off to outer space for being annoying," she teased before shaking her head. "My mom offered to take them this weekend. It's the last weekend before school starts and I guess she wanted to spoil them rotten," she laughed as she looked at Zac as if she was taking him in and trying to see how much he had changed.
Truth be told he was doing the same with her. He hadn't seen her since two months after Penny was born and well she had changed, not in a bad way but it was apparent time had passed and yet even with that she almost still resembled the Natalie he had once known and maybe even loved.
"So, how about telling me about you and Nikki?" Natalie finally asked breaking their silence while cutting to the chase. "I have drinks and food already made so we can talk over both," she said before leading the way towards the kitchen.
"You think offering me food and drink is going to make me talk?" Zac asked playfully though he followed Natalie into the kitchen and when they made it there he watched as she motioned for him to sit down at the table.
"It always used to, I don't think California has changed you that much has it?" Natalie asked as she walked to the cabinets and got down two plates.
Zac shook his head no briefly when Natalie turned to look at him and he stayed silent as she got their stuff ready, only deciding to talk when she had joined him at the table once she had brought both their plates and drinks. "You sure you really want to know what happened between Nikki and I?"
Natalie nodded her head, "Zac you know I'm nosy, of course I want to know."
Laughing Zac had to agree with Natalie there. She had always been nosy and so this shouldn't have shocked him that she would want to know the details of how his marriage had ended.
"Nikki had an abortion," Zac revealed in between bites of his food. "She had known she was pregnant for two weeks and for two weeks we fought about the fact she had wanted an abortion. She said having a baby would stifle her career...ruin what she wanted to accomplish and that she'd lose the movie role she had just landed."
"And you wanted the baby?" Natalie questioned though it was more of a statement.
Forcing a smile Zac gave a nod of confirmation, "I wanted the baby but she didn't care what I wanted and in the end she took what I wanted away from me. I mean I get it's her body and her choice but I was her husband and I wanted that baby," he frowned slightly before reaching for the drink Natalie had brought.
"We had been talking about kids and she knew I wanted them....god she fucking knew Nat but it was all about her career," Zac sighed feeling like in the end when Nikki had chosen the abortion she had chosen her career over him and having a family with him. "Second baby I lost...second baby I wanted."
At that statement things went silent between him and Natalie and as he looked at her, he felt guilty for saying what he had but before he could speak Natalie finally decided too.
"Ezra was never lost," Natalie sighed as she shook her head. "He's here and healthy."
"But he isn't mine is he?" Zac questioned knowing a DNA test had told them as much when Ezra had been a year old. "He's Taylor's because Taylor couldn't let me have one thing to myself," he said feeling a bit bitter even after years now.
Zac knew it was wrong, everyone had moved on, hell he swore he had on most days but there were some when he got upset on how things had played out. He had been the one dating Natalie and somehow Taylor had wormed his way into Natalie's pants too and when she had become pregnant it was a mess.
Zac had assumed it was his though Taylor made claims too and it had literally almost ruined his family and yet nothing had been done until Ezra had been a year old. Zac had already gotten attached to the child, a child whom though Taylor claimed could be his he hadn't raised much but then Natalie's mom god bless her heart had decided they needed answers. He guessed she had been tired of the drama too and so they had got answers.
They did a DNA test and in the end Ezra hadn't been his child. He was Taylor's and somehow knowing that had made Taylor finally decide to be a dad and within months of that knowledge he and Natalie had married for the sake of a child he hadn't even raised until he had known for sure.
"I guess in the end Taylor and I both got what we deserved," Natalie spoke breaking the silence Zac hadn't even realized had happened. "You always tried to get me not to marry him."
Zac rolled his eyes at Natalie's last comment, "Because I knew he'd hurt you but you were stubborn."
"I just wanted a family for Ezra," Natalie argued as she ran a hand through her hair. "Me and him and his dad. In the end it didn't work out though and yeah he hurt me," she nodded and god did she look so sad or so Zac thought. "Sometimes I want to hate her you know, Avery I mean. She stole my husband who I did come to love but I can't hate her."
"Why can't you?" Zac asked knowing even though everyone had moved on from the Ezra stuff that he swore at times he still hated his brother even if it was petty.
Natalie laughed as she shook her head, "Have you met her?" she questioned as if that should explain it all. "She may have slept with a married man but god she's the epitome of sweet and the girl next door. Always sending baked goods back with the kids when they stay with her and Taylor or trying to make an effort to get to know me and with anyone else it would be an act but with her it's not."
"She did seem pretty normal when I met her this morning," Zac said deciding not to mention the awkwardness because Natalie would pry and again he didn't want his porn life exposed to her either.
"So you have met her?" Natalie asked and she almost sounded offended.
Zac nodded his head yes, "I'm kind of staying with Taylor until I get back on my feet."
"Of course you are," Natalie muttered as she sighed softly. "You and Taylor have so much bad history and yet it's like you two always snap back to being friends when it comes down to bad times."
"You and I are the same way," Zac reminded her knowing they were here right now being civil to each other.
Laughing Natalie locked eyes with him, "But you and I were never really friends," she spoke as she shook her head. "We were always more...maybe we still are..." she trailed off as she looked at him not able to continue her thought because before she could Zac had inched closer to her and kissed her.
He had been dying to kiss her ever since he arrived and the words she had just said, they had been his opening because they were true. He and Natalie had never really been friends, they had always been more and why not test the waters to see if they still were? They were both free now of marriages that had restricted them.
Arriving back to Taylor's well after night fall, Zac did his best to creep in because at this time of night both Taylor and Avery were probably in bed but the moment he stepped inside the house he heard footsteps coming from the kitchen and he was greeted by his sister-in-law's form standing in the entry way.
"I umm..I just got done putting dinner away if you wanted some," Avery explained as she eyed him slightly, biting her lip. "Your mom called earlier before you got in and she said you didn't come by so if you didn't eat there then you might be hungry."
Zac laughed softly before walking to where Avery was, "Did you stay up just to make sure I'd eat?" he asked curiously as he came to a stop in front of her. "Or was it a ploy so you could see my dick in person?"
Avery blushed at the last words he said, her mouth moving up and down as if she was searching for words, "I have no clue what you mean. I've never seen your dick before," she said as she gave him a smile though her eyes betrayed her words because they landed on the very thing she had been talking about. "And maybe I did stay up to make sure you'd eat," she sighed before looking back at his face. "I couldn't sleep anyway. I was waiting on the results of something anyway."
"Results on something?" Zac questioned as he finally walked past Avery to head into the kitchen right as his stomach growled, letting him know he was hungry. He hadn't ate since he first arrived at Natalie's and while Natalie herself had also been delicious to eat out later during their sex she wasn't the type of meal that would hold him over.
"Taylor and I have been trying for a baby," Avery admitted her voice going soft which made Zac turn to look at her when he made it to the fridge. "I'm late and I guess I thought this could finally be the time but it was negative like always."
Zac frowned at her words because she did look genuinely hurt after she had said it was a negative test, "I'm sorry."
"Not your fault," Avery shrugged as she looked down briefly. "I was just hoping this time would be it. I don't think Taylor cares either way because he has two kids already but I'm twenty-four, almost twenty-five and I want a baby. Not that I don't love Taylor's children."
"But they aren't yours," Zac spoke seeing her give him a slight nod. "Maybe next time you'll get your baby," he said as he tried to give her a smile before opening the fridge.
Spotting the container with the left overs Zac pulled it out and when he looked back up he saw that Avery was gone and he sighed, not sure why her words had affected him. Maybe because he was still hurting over Nikki's choices and he knew what it was like to want a baby and be let down.
"She should be," Taylor shrugged as he looked back at his own wife. "Avie hon, are you okay?"
It was at Taylor's question that he watched Avery snap out of the horror induced daze she had been in, "I...yeah..." she stuttered as she looked away from Zac and a blush crept onto her cheeks. "Sorry," she apologized and she sounded sincere. "It's nice to meet you Jack...I mean Zac," she spoke trying to correct herself quickly but Zac had heard her mistake.
Avery's mistake was enough for Zac to realize then why she had acted the way she had and now it was his turn to have a moment of panic because if she knew about his porn career then Taylor might know and he hadn't wanted anyone to know, hell he had even hid it from Nikki and she was..well had been his wife.
"Did you just call my brother Jack?" Taylor asked with a hint of confusion in his voice that soothed Zac's fears of him knowing about his porn career just a bit.
Zac laughed at that which got Taylor to look at him, "I'm sure it was an honest mistake," he lied as he eyed Avery briefly seeing her blush again. "I've been told I look like a Jack before and Jack is awfully close to Zac."
It seemed Zac's words were enough to tide Taylor over because Taylor just gave him a skeptical look though he didn't question things as he turned back to the food he was fixing and Zac moved away from the stove slightly until he was beside Avery, "The real reason for your mess up is our secret," he muttered under his breath but low enough that only she could hear him.
"I have no clue what you mean," Avery said and it was clear from the way she spoke she was lying. "It was a general mistake like you said."
Wanting to laugh at that, Zac did his best to reign that in by biting his bottom lip harshly. "Whatever you say," he commented remaining entirely unconvinced that she hadn't seen his porn movies, because she had somehow and obviously she was embarrassed about it or maybe she was afraid Taylor would find out which was an idea even Zac didn't like.
"I think I am going to head out for a bit Taylor," Zac spoke up loudly which made Taylor turn to face him again. "Mind if I borrow your car?"
"You aren't going to stay and eat with us?" Taylor questioned sounding just a bit offended which made Zac feel awful but knowing Avery knew about his career was making him uneasy and well also there was someone he wanted, no needed to see.
Zac shook his head, "Maybe I'll stop by mom and dad's on the way back here and get something to eat. I just want to get out for a bit and drive around, see the roads that use to be so familiar to me until Nikki and I left it all for Hollywood."
"Whatever you say," Taylor muttered still sounding offended. "But yeah, you can borrow my car but please no lead foot which you're known to have."
Avery laughed at that before turning to Zac, "His car is his baby, I swear he loves that thing more than me or his own children."
Smiling slightly at Avery's words Zac breathed a bit in relief because that bit of interaction had been the least tense either one of them had been since meeting each other and maybe they'd actually get along.
"He's always been that way," Zac informed her before heading out of the kitchen entry way and towards the front door where the key rack was.
Grabbing the keys he had watched Taylor put up when they arrived he then headed out to Taylor's car and got in, starting it up and driving off. It was weird to be driving this because it wasn't his truck but at least he knew his truck was on it's way. Isaac and his wife Kate who both lived in California now had opted to bring it as well as the rest of his stuff that he couldn't bring on a plane and hopefully in a few days when they came in for their annual visit he would finally have his own baby back as well as all the stuff Nikki had said he could have, though in the end he was still waiting on the judge's ruling in a few months on if he got the house in California.
After an hour of driving around the back roads of Nashville, Zac pulled Taylor's car into the drive way of Natalie's house and got out. Heading onto the porch he was just about to raise his hand and knock when the door opened and he was greeted by the sight of the woman who had used to be his sister-in-law...and well she had also used to be a whole lot more than that too.
"Zac?" Natalie questioned as she raised an eyebrow and looked at him curiously. "I...don't you live in California now?"
Zac laughed at Natalie's second question, "I did," he nodded as he chewed his lip and ran a hand through his hair. "Nikki and I divorced and I decided to come back home. At least until I know if I get the house in California or until I feel like up to being in the same state as her."
"Ended that bad?" Natalie asked moving aside so that Zac could come in and once he had slipped inside, he heard her shut the door behind him.
"Pretty much," Zac nodded surprised by the silence that enveloped the house. "Where are the kids at?" he asked knowing he hadn't seen Ezra or Penny in years. He and Nikki had just never made the time to come and visit after they had moved and then Nikki's career had taken off and then they no longer had time to visit.
Natalie rolled her eyes playfully at Zac's comment on where the kids were, "I sent them off to outer space for being annoying," she teased before shaking her head. "My mom offered to take them this weekend. It's the last weekend before school starts and I guess she wanted to spoil them rotten," she laughed as she looked at Zac as if she was taking him in and trying to see how much he had changed.
Truth be told he was doing the same with her. He hadn't seen her since two months after Penny was born and well she had changed, not in a bad way but it was apparent time had passed and yet even with that she almost still resembled the Natalie he had once known and maybe even loved.
"So, how about telling me about you and Nikki?" Natalie finally asked breaking their silence while cutting to the chase. "I have drinks and food already made so we can talk over both," she said before leading the way towards the kitchen.
"You think offering me food and drink is going to make me talk?" Zac asked playfully though he followed Natalie into the kitchen and when they made it there he watched as she motioned for him to sit down at the table.
"It always used to, I don't think California has changed you that much has it?" Natalie asked as she walked to the cabinets and got down two plates.
Zac shook his head no briefly when Natalie turned to look at him and he stayed silent as she got their stuff ready, only deciding to talk when she had joined him at the table once she had brought both their plates and drinks. "You sure you really want to know what happened between Nikki and I?"
Natalie nodded her head, "Zac you know I'm nosy, of course I want to know."
Laughing Zac had to agree with Natalie there. She had always been nosy and so this shouldn't have shocked him that she would want to know the details of how his marriage had ended.
"Nikki had an abortion," Zac revealed in between bites of his food. "She had known she was pregnant for two weeks and for two weeks we fought about the fact she had wanted an abortion. She said having a baby would stifle her career...ruin what she wanted to accomplish and that she'd lose the movie role she had just landed."
"And you wanted the baby?" Natalie questioned though it was more of a statement.
Forcing a smile Zac gave a nod of confirmation, "I wanted the baby but she didn't care what I wanted and in the end she took what I wanted away from me. I mean I get it's her body and her choice but I was her husband and I wanted that baby," he frowned slightly before reaching for the drink Natalie had brought.
"We had been talking about kids and she knew I wanted them....god she fucking knew Nat but it was all about her career," Zac sighed feeling like in the end when Nikki had chosen the abortion she had chosen her career over him and having a family with him. "Second baby I lost...second baby I wanted."
At that statement things went silent between him and Natalie and as he looked at her, he felt guilty for saying what he had but before he could speak Natalie finally decided too.
"Ezra was never lost," Natalie sighed as she shook her head. "He's here and healthy."
"But he isn't mine is he?" Zac questioned knowing a DNA test had told them as much when Ezra had been a year old. "He's Taylor's because Taylor couldn't let me have one thing to myself," he said feeling a bit bitter even after years now.
Zac knew it was wrong, everyone had moved on, hell he swore he had on most days but there were some when he got upset on how things had played out. He had been the one dating Natalie and somehow Taylor had wormed his way into Natalie's pants too and when she had become pregnant it was a mess.
Zac had assumed it was his though Taylor made claims too and it had literally almost ruined his family and yet nothing had been done until Ezra had been a year old. Zac had already gotten attached to the child, a child whom though Taylor claimed could be his he hadn't raised much but then Natalie's mom god bless her heart had decided they needed answers. He guessed she had been tired of the drama too and so they had got answers.
They did a DNA test and in the end Ezra hadn't been his child. He was Taylor's and somehow knowing that had made Taylor finally decide to be a dad and within months of that knowledge he and Natalie had married for the sake of a child he hadn't even raised until he had known for sure.
"I guess in the end Taylor and I both got what we deserved," Natalie spoke breaking the silence Zac hadn't even realized had happened. "You always tried to get me not to marry him."
Zac rolled his eyes at Natalie's last comment, "Because I knew he'd hurt you but you were stubborn."
"I just wanted a family for Ezra," Natalie argued as she ran a hand through her hair. "Me and him and his dad. In the end it didn't work out though and yeah he hurt me," she nodded and god did she look so sad or so Zac thought. "Sometimes I want to hate her you know, Avery I mean. She stole my husband who I did come to love but I can't hate her."
"Why can't you?" Zac asked knowing even though everyone had moved on from the Ezra stuff that he swore at times he still hated his brother even if it was petty.
Natalie laughed as she shook her head, "Have you met her?" she questioned as if that should explain it all. "She may have slept with a married man but god she's the epitome of sweet and the girl next door. Always sending baked goods back with the kids when they stay with her and Taylor or trying to make an effort to get to know me and with anyone else it would be an act but with her it's not."
"She did seem pretty normal when I met her this morning," Zac said deciding not to mention the awkwardness because Natalie would pry and again he didn't want his porn life exposed to her either.
"So you have met her?" Natalie asked and she almost sounded offended.
Zac nodded his head yes, "I'm kind of staying with Taylor until I get back on my feet."
"Of course you are," Natalie muttered as she sighed softly. "You and Taylor have so much bad history and yet it's like you two always snap back to being friends when it comes down to bad times."
"You and I are the same way," Zac reminded her knowing they were here right now being civil to each other.
Laughing Natalie locked eyes with him, "But you and I were never really friends," she spoke as she shook her head. "We were always more...maybe we still are..." she trailed off as she looked at him not able to continue her thought because before she could Zac had inched closer to her and kissed her.
He had been dying to kiss her ever since he arrived and the words she had just said, they had been his opening because they were true. He and Natalie had never really been friends, they had always been more and why not test the waters to see if they still were? They were both free now of marriages that had restricted them.
Arriving back to Taylor's well after night fall, Zac did his best to creep in because at this time of night both Taylor and Avery were probably in bed but the moment he stepped inside the house he heard footsteps coming from the kitchen and he was greeted by his sister-in-law's form standing in the entry way.
"I umm..I just got done putting dinner away if you wanted some," Avery explained as she eyed him slightly, biting her lip. "Your mom called earlier before you got in and she said you didn't come by so if you didn't eat there then you might be hungry."
Zac laughed softly before walking to where Avery was, "Did you stay up just to make sure I'd eat?" he asked curiously as he came to a stop in front of her. "Or was it a ploy so you could see my dick in person?"
Avery blushed at the last words he said, her mouth moving up and down as if she was searching for words, "I have no clue what you mean. I've never seen your dick before," she said as she gave him a smile though her eyes betrayed her words because they landed on the very thing she had been talking about. "And maybe I did stay up to make sure you'd eat," she sighed before looking back at his face. "I couldn't sleep anyway. I was waiting on the results of something anyway."
"Results on something?" Zac questioned as he finally walked past Avery to head into the kitchen right as his stomach growled, letting him know he was hungry. He hadn't ate since he first arrived at Natalie's and while Natalie herself had also been delicious to eat out later during their sex she wasn't the type of meal that would hold him over.
"Taylor and I have been trying for a baby," Avery admitted her voice going soft which made Zac turn to look at her when he made it to the fridge. "I'm late and I guess I thought this could finally be the time but it was negative like always."
Zac frowned at her words because she did look genuinely hurt after she had said it was a negative test, "I'm sorry."
"Not your fault," Avery shrugged as she looked down briefly. "I was just hoping this time would be it. I don't think Taylor cares either way because he has two kids already but I'm twenty-four, almost twenty-five and I want a baby. Not that I don't love Taylor's children."
"But they aren't yours," Zac spoke seeing her give him a slight nod. "Maybe next time you'll get your baby," he said as he tried to give her a smile before opening the fridge.
Spotting the container with the left overs Zac pulled it out and when he looked back up he saw that Avery was gone and he sighed, not sure why her words had affected him. Maybe because he was still hurting over Nikki's choices and he knew what it was like to want a baby and be let down.